What's on offer
A quick rundown of some of the kit available at your club
A balanced range of cardio equipment is spread throughout the gym to facilitate cardio as well as mixed training sessions. Equipment includes:
Concept2 Rowers
Concept2 Bikes
Concept2 Ski-ergs
Motorised traditional treadmill
Curved treadmill
Air bikes
Strength training forms an important part of our offering. At your club you'll find a full range including:
Barbells and Bumper plates
Dumbbells (2.5kg to 50kg)
Benches, rigs and racks
We also have selectorised machines for legs, a cable pulley and reverse hyper machine.
Whether for warmup, cooldown or just for focusing on mobility, you'll find a range of stretching bands, foam rollers and mats to help you stay in peak condition. The upper floor benefits from a seperate space that is perfect for such activity.
Functional training is growing in popularity with a focus on natural movement. The club offers a range of equipment and spaces such as:
Slam Balls
Multi-height boxes
Sled Run with adjustable weight sled
Pull-up stations
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